Why my long trip to the wizarding world was just fantastic.

 First off I would like to apologize for my month of being absent and not posting so much. The wizarding world is very serious about not allowing muggle (Non-magic folk) inventions in. I did smuggle my phone in and you can see I tried to make a post when I was on my phone, but could not put up any pictures!

I am still figuring out how to use muggle technology, it can get a little confusing for me still! When I came back from Hogwarts, I discovered my computer was broken!
SO I had to buy a new one, and I just got that yesterday ^^


What does that mean? 
I will be posting more I promise, back to my 1 post a week thing, I have so many things to make up for!

Coming next week: Twilight Blue- Sponsor review!

Until then remember these words of wisdom~

" It is impossible to live with out failing at something, unless you have lived so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all. In which case you fail by default"
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-J.K Rowling

Things that need to be posted:
Twilight Blue- Sponsor review
Lacey Grey- Sponsor review
EOS Green- Sponsor review
GEO Animation CP-A6- Sponsor Review

Sorry for the delay, there are no computers at hogwarts!!

Gah!!! I promise I will edit this and make it all cute and stuff  but right now I'm at work and posting on my mobile!! 

Where have you been?! Beds empty, no note, car gone!
But they were starving her mom.. There were bars on his window!
You better hope I won't put bars on your window!

On a less Harry potter note... sorry guys I'll try to be more active now. Work just wears me out but I need the money! Well that and video games are distracting! Specially when final fantasy lightening returns comes out!! I'll try my hardest to post on my days off! But here have some pictures I took recently ^^ also I still have  three reviews to post I will try to get that to you guys ASAP!!

Will post pictures when I get home.. Damn phone ><

Mama berry's first international give away winners AND new sponsor~

The time has come.... berries and gentleman please hold on to your underwear, what I am about to say will shock you! 

Finally I will be announcing the winners for my very first give away!!

Sorry for the delay I got busy with work and shit so um yeah point is that I am here now and doing it! SO the winner of the first prize is......

HOLY SHIT I CAN"T BELIEVE IT!!! It's a guy.... O_O 

Congratulations to James Azzata!!! 

I have sent you an email so please respond to it when you get the chance :3 

Fret not my berries there is still the second prize winner!! Who will it be?! 

Congratulations to  タリン!!

I have also sent you an email please respond when you have time ^^

Onto the good kush and shit....

Hey you!!

Yes you! Are you tired of having dull boring eyes? 

Do you want to want to look kawaii?

Well I have the solution for you!! Lens Circle circle lenses, what a fucking tongue twister!! The can help you achieve this greatness! They have a good price for the lenses considering the fact the ship to you with in one week! That's right one week! They also have a wonderful selection of lenses and lens care kits!! Now I know what you are thinking " She is only saying this cause they are sponsoring her." Well you are absolutely riig-- WRONG! Here have a prize for FAILING! 

I will be posting a banner for them soon but for now go and click this link!!! 

Now you can look

Twilight green ( Sponsor Review)

/Sorry for taking so long!! I was really busy with work and finally got a day off!!! So here it is the much anticipated post! My twilight green review. 

Twilight green lens: Details
  • Diameter-15.0 mm
  • Water content-+ 38%
  • Base curve- 8.6 mm
  • Life span- Three months
So this was the photo they have up for it and it really doesnt do the contact justice.

The shipping was pretty fast, I think it took about three weeks for me to get them which isn't to bad!! When they arrived they were in an envelope with bubble wrap all over the inside. When I took them out this is what it looked like. 

(Ignore the stove I had to take the photos in the kitchen.. It had the best lighting.)
They stack the bottles on top of each other in a Chinese recipe which I cant wait to cook! ^^ The lens case is a little on the boring side but I like it for the fact that I can see through it so I know what contacts are what. 

As soon as you open the bottle be sure you let your contacts soak for 8 hours I use optifresh solution because I wear prescription contacts. You cant really see it in the photo but the contacts them selves look a little sheer. But they show up perfectly fine on dark eyes. 

When I went to go put them on it was really easy, they didnt fold in or anything they just slipped right in...

ANYWAY -clears throat- normally my eyes dry out after wearing contacts for a brief amount of time but these didn't do that so that is alway a plus ^^

This is how they look with out door lighting 

Indoor lighting 

I never do flash because well flash hurts my eyes so I avoid it ( sorry ^^') 

Time for the actual review it self!! 

First impression: Well to be honest when they told me that was the lens that was going to be shipped out to me I felt the weight crushing me because I didn't like them just because of how they looked on the website. Now that I actually had the chance to wear them I know they look nothing like the photo they have up there and I absolutely LOVE them. But based on just first impression they get a 3/5

Design: The design is pretty simple but I like it because of the fact that the contact is sheer ( you can see it in my out door photo.. ) thus creating a really cool effect. 4/5

Color: On their website it looked like it would be this really bright green that would look really unnatural and weird but when I wore them I was surprised how well they showed up on my eyes and not really bright like in the photos. Normally green lenses don't really show up on my eyes. 5/5

Naturalness: They don't really look all that natural in some lighting they do and others they dont. But when I go to buy circle lenses I want to buy a pair that will make people look twice ^^ 2/5

Comfort: These feel like nothing is on your eye which I love! They didn't make my eyes all red either. I had a pair that did that but I think it's cause they were old ^^'' 5/5

Enlargement: You can actually see how much bigger it is then my actual eye. These are probably the biggest pair I have ever worn and they really do what they are supposed to! 5/5 

Overall: These are probably the best pair I have ever owned and I am SO glad they dont look like how they do in the photo! I am now thinking about getting the red pair from the twilight series!!  24/30

I'll be posting my Tsubasa tutorial soon!! Along with the banner~ Until then! 

EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it!! Pinky Paradise give away!!

That's right pinky paradise is having a give away for reaching 100K fans on face book!! YAY~ 

I will be giving you more details on how to do so! But first lets see what you lovely berries can win if you enter now! They will have a total of 101 winners!! 
Now that's a lot of free products to be giving away.


2 x Your favorite circle lenses
1 x Kawaii cosmetic hand mirror
1 x Capsule ball pen
1 x Cosmos false eyelashes
1 x Rohto Lycee Contact Eyedrops (for contact lenses)
1 x Anna Sui Inspired Travelling Kit (Purple)
1 x My Beauty Diary - Apple Polyphenol Mask
1 x My Beauty Diary - Red Wine Mask

There can only be one!! For the rest of the hundred here's what you get.

Consolation Prize

1 x Your favorite circle lenses
1 x Kawaii cosmetic hand mirror
1 x Capsule ball pen
1 x Cosmos false eyelashes




Merry Halloween and have a Happy thanksgiving~


Merry christmas My berries!! I hope you got everything you wanted for the holidays ^^ Comment and let me know what you all got. I have a few announcements. As my way of showing thanks I am having a giveaway so be sure to enter! You must be following me on GFC other wise your entry wont count (Sorry ^^') I haven't been on for awhile because of work but I am back now that I have a day off! 

Things to be posted:
1. Twilight Lens review (Sponsor) 
2. Tsubasa tutorial 
3. My youtube channel 
4. My new sponsor. 

Be sure to keep checking because I wouldn't want my pretty berries to miss anything! 

In case you are wondering what I got:

All eight movies for harry potter (I am a big Harry potter fan ^^) 
Some pajamas
Work out clothes
Super Mairo 3d world (I wanted it for the cat suits ><)
Itunes gift card
Amazon gift card
A lot of things that were on my wish list!
A nice ring
and an Xbox 360

I also have been getting things from members at my job which is really nice because I wasn't expecting anything since I just started working there!

Time to get ready though!

Remember that it's not about how many gifts you have received but how much thought went into it ^^ Have a happy new year!


Milky Bunny Tsubasa Masuwaka Tutorial Collaboration: coming soon to a blog near you!

videogamesprites:  Bub
THUD..THUD.. CRUNCH you can hear loud foot steps off in the distance, you listen as they slowly get closer... THUD.... THUD.... CRUNCH the foot steps are getting closer, you close your eyes wishing it would just go away THUD.... THUD... CRUNCH you open your eyes and just as you are about to scream you are crushed by... BIG NEWS! 

Um... WHAT?! 

Something big is coming up and I am talking about bigger then Godzilla big!!
I am going to be doing a Tsubasa Masuwaka tutorial collaboration with a few other fellow bloggers~

Now before I can actually start I am just waiting for a few things to be shipped to me for the full and complete Tsubasa look ^^ I will be posting a tutorial on my blog (Because... Well people just want to know how to do certain things) I will also be posting tutorials for other things such as lip make up, eye make up, and hair styles!!! So be sure to keep your eyes peepled for th-- 
Heyy look it's Jaejoong...

-shakes head- Right I need to focus! This collabartion is going to be the biggest thing to hit the internet! As I said there is going to be a few of us. I will post their link's once I have done the tutorial or you can to babycakesland to see every one who is participating!!

Don't forget to enter my give away below this post for your chance to win ^^
