Sorry for the delay, there are no computers at hogwarts!!

Gah!!! I promise I will edit this and make it all cute and stuff  but right now I'm at work and posting on my mobile!! 

Where have you been?! Beds empty, no note, car gone!
But they were starving her mom.. There were bars on his window!
You better hope I won't put bars on your window!

On a less Harry potter note... sorry guys I'll try to be more active now. Work just wears me out but I need the money! Well that and video games are distracting! Specially when final fantasy lightening returns comes out!! I'll try my hardest to post on my days off! But here have some pictures I took recently ^^ also I still have  three reviews to post I will try to get that to you guys ASAP!!

Will post pictures when I get home.. Damn phone ><

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